

You silver-tongued devil!
—Sr. V.P. of Sales, Business Services Company

Thanks for helping us out so effectively when we had the analysts here. Everything went very well, and as of close of business on Friday, our share price in the U.S. was at an all-time high.
—President & CEO, Business Services Company

So many of our messages must connect with people on an emotional level and Rick has shown an instinctive ability to know what will connect and how to do it.
—Chairman Emeritus, Global Franchisor, Past Chairman, The International Franchise Association

Trying to explain what we do in just words doesn’t cut it, and your work has given us the tool that we need to break through that barrier.
—Board Member, Non-Profit Organization

I have great respect for you and your team. You are all tremendous professionals and good people. I have enjoyed and benefited from your work and your friendship.
—SVP Sales & Account Management, U.S. Field Sales Organization

The best way to connect with people is through the heart, and you are exceptionally good at that.
—President, U.S. Franchisor

You have taken some pretty rough ideas and translated them into videos that are the pride of the company. You have also been very patient and willing to engage in a back and forth on concepts and suggestions – thank you.
—VP Finance, Asia/Pacific Manufacturer

THANKS! I appreciate, as always, and as history can portray, your Herculean saves. You are awesome and awesomely valued!
—VP Operations, Fast Food Franchisor

I watched the latest version of the videos a couple of times, and each time I view them, I like them even more. When my wife and I watched them, they brought tears to our eyes. Thanks for the wonderful work.
—VP Events & Trade Shows, Global Information Provider

Thanks so much for the great job you did at our National Sales Meeting! You worked tirelessly and I can’t think of anything that we asked for that wasn’t done—and by “done” I mean, fast, professionally, and with a smile. Several times the President remarked how unbelievable you guys were.
—Meetings Manager, U.S. Business Services Company

Thanks for being so responsive to my personal needs before and during the event. With all the demands on my time, I couldn’t make it work without your tireless support.
—SVP Sales & Account Management, U.S. Field Sales Organization

I owe you a debt of gratitude for the creativity, logistical planning and tireless effort that have gone into every event we have done together. Our meeting is legendary around the corporation and most of that reputation is because of the superb production that you help us put on every year. I also owe you my thanks for working with me to develop my speech and to deliver it in the most effective way. You know our values, our products and our audience so well that it gets better every year.
—SVP Sales & Account Management, U.S. Field Sales Organization

You are the best I’ve ever worked with.
—Meetings Manager, Global Trade Association

Thank you for your help with our general session. It came off flawlessly, and communicated our message quite articulately to the audience, and generated a huge amount of interest.
—SVP Product Development, Business Service Provider

You successfully delivered the messages in a way that drove our points home and let everybody have fun doing it.
—Director of Marketing, Medical Technology Company

I just wanted to stop and take a moment, and thank you again for your contributions to our organization, and for your assistance and support of me personally. Each experience we have together somehow seems to exceed the last, and the Leadership Forum last week is just the latest in our string of successes. You made a really positive impact on our business, and I greatly appreciate it!!!
—President & CEO, U.S. Business Service Provider

You made us all look good out there. I know that both with your history with our company and with your excellent reputation for professional work, we already have very high expectations for you, but for me, you even exceeded those.
—VP Branding, U.S. Business Service Provider

There’s no way I would have envisioned such a colorful, engaging and lively video out of our discussions. You made it real, showed intensive thought about what would convey the story, and edited in a way sure to keep people’s attention. Outside your offices (after viewing it) I wanted to do the happy dance, but didn’t want to give you guys a bad rep in the neighborhood! Thanks so much for giving me such a lift at the end of the week.
—Director of Marketing, Non-Profit Organization